1. Performance – Performance requirements must be stated in a performance plan tailored to each employee's position and work assignments. Performance requirements must be stated in a performance plan tailored to each employee's position and work assignments. Does the employee demonstrate a postitive initiative to improve the overall work environment?
2. Attendance – Quote, ”In a 1985 study on "Rates of Absence among Nurses" it was found that 50% of absenteeism could be controlled through attending to employees’ physical and emotional needs.” The more peole like working for the organization, the higher their motivation to attend regularly. Recognition of good employee attendance helps improve attendance. Studies show that employees with a low absence ration feel confidence and have supprtive relationships in their work place.
3. Focus – Is the employee focused on the tasks at hand, or Is the employee more focused on personal issues going on at home?
4. Communication – Does the employee have the ability to adequetly communicate with pears, managers, and customers? Have their been any issues due to employees communication skills? Is the employee getting cought in the rhetoric of other’s negative influences of others at work or from everyday life? Quote, ”The point is not to take sides or decide whom to blame. Rather, it's to determine what needs to be done in order to improve the situation in the work place.” (www.workfamily.com/work-lifeclearinghouse/TipoftheMonth/tip0005.htm)
5. Educatcation & Training – Has the employee demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities to accureately assess and provid the appropriate services towards their job function?
6. Strengths – What are the strenghts that this employee have that contributes to the goals or the success of the business?
7. Goals – What does this employee see himself or herself in the next five years? What accomplishments do they expect to acheve during that time?
8. Integrity – Does the employee know the code of conduct standards and the legal and policy standards of their job position?
9. Productivity – Motivating employees is key to the scuuess of any business. Is this employee prodictove in their work? Does he/she work passionatly and with dedication?
10. Work quality – Has there been positive or negative feedback from customers regardig the quality of work performed? What have you experienced with observing this employees work quality?
11. Stress – does this employee show stress when performing deadline for a task? How well does this employee work under pressure when thire is deadlines that needs to be met when asked to work more hours to acomplish this goal.
12. Team Wrok – How does this employee work with others on completing tasks? Does he/she show leadership skills? Did he/she take part or take control of planning discussuions and implimentation?
13. Willingness to ask – When asked to do something out of employees grasp, does this employee ask for assistence? Does he/she take the inititive to educate and find out how to acomplish a task by looking for solutions or getting the proper training?
14. Trustworthy – Quote, “According to Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr. in his 1993 dissertation, A Construct of Trust, "There exists today, no practical construct of Trust that allows us to design and implement organizational interventions to significantly increase trust levels between people.” Here is a nother Quore, “"Aristotle believed these three characteristics to be the intelligence of the speaker (correctness of opinions, or competence), the character of the speaker (reliability - a competence factor, and honesty - a measure of intentions), and the goodwill of the speaker (favorable intentions towards the listener).” Most of all does this employee have good ethics and the willingness to do what it takes to magnify their job to their physical ability?
15. Liability or Asset – Is this employee more of a liability to the future of the business, or is he/she an asset the the success of the busineses overall progress?
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