Wednesday, October 27, 2010

EOC wk4: Mini-Case Study, Bob Borich

1.     What advice would you give Bob Borich?

a.     I would start by telling Bob that he needs to be observant and know what is going on with his establishment. He needs to take charge of his employees instead of his employees taking charge over who gets hired.  Quote, “Six months after opening, Bob experienced a turnover of about 50 percent. As a result, he found himself hiring new employees weekly. He turned orientation over to a group of employees who had been with him form the start.”  Bob needs to find out what his employees are doing when they interview new perspective employees.  (Managing Hospitality Human Resources Fourth Edition by Robert H. Woods)

2.     How unique do you believe Bob Borich’s current situation is?

a.     It is quite common when an owner is opening a new business and he gets side tract from what is going on around him. Quote, “Within three months after starting the orientation program, Bob was experiencing turnover in excess of 100 percent annually.” Bob needs to evaluate all his employees and bring in a H.R. Manager to take control over the orientation program. (Managing Hospitality Human Resources Fourth Edition by Robert H. Woods)

3.     What parts of orientation should be turned over to employees to conduct?

a.     The only thing Bob should turn over to employees is socializing. Quote, “Socializing newcomers can also be done by marginal employees. Often, the performance of marginal employees improves at the same time new employees are socialization.”  Also, they can contribute to specific job orientation and what is needed and expected of that position. Bob truly needs to come up with an orientation kit that tells them what is expected from them at work. Such as, policies, procedures, and what behaviors are expected. (Managing Hospitality Human Resources Fourth Edition by Robert H. Woods)

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