The short film “This Charming Man” is focused on immigration and prejudice acts. Well, where do you start? The topic of immigration or in other words illegal immigration is one of our nation’s biggest concerns. If the US government is unable to fix this problem then why are we as citizens blamed for prejudices towards immigrants.
Quote, “Worldwide, there is an estimated 191 million immigrants. The last 50 years has seen almost doubling of immigration. 115 million immigrants live in developed countries and 20% live in the US alone and make up 13% of its population. 33% of all immigrants live in Europe and 75% live in just 28 countries. Women constitute approximately half of all migrants at around 95 million. Between 1990 and 2005 there were 36 million migrations (an average of approximately 2.4 million per year. (A passage to hope; women and international migration; UNFPA A State of the World Population 2006, September 2006.)
On this topic one has to think critically. Usually emigrants move from one country to another due to conflict, or to escape persecution, or voluntarily immigrate to other countries. From what I have experienced from immigrants is that most move to search for work to better their lives. Quote,” As Inter Press Service (ISP) reported, the European Union has recently acknowledged a concern about immigration that has not received much media attention. That is, a large number of people are attempting to leave the devastation of their own country caused by the current form of globalization and other political and economic policies. (Pros and Cons of International Migration, by Thalif Deen, Inter Press Service (IPS), September 15, 2006.)
Most Immigrants will often do jobs that most people won't do or refuse to do. Not all the time but often employers have immigrant workers work longer hours with little pay or way less than a regular employee gets paid for the same task. Immigrants are considered cheap labor and lack of knowledge of the labor laws. This truly turns out to be a new kind of slavery that many institutions are getting away with.
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